• (Lifetime Access) Step by Step Road Map: The exact path to master your 30's

    without stress, anxiety and “All the Shoulds”… for your most confident decade yet!

  • (3 Months) Weekly calls with me as your Coach: Never feel like you’re going through this journey alone when you join us on group calls.

  • (3 Months) Weekly Somatic Activated Healing Classes: Integrate past pain by releasing stored & stuck emotions from the body. Custom curated mind-body workout classes based on your needs!

  • (3 Months) Private Facebook Community: Exclusive access to the Facebook group where you gain support of the community group so you can be held accountable and receive ongoing feedback and support. 

  • ​(Lifetime Access) Emotional Flower Meditations: Innovative emotional flower meditations using bio-feedback technology to connect to the intelligence of wildflowers on an energetic level to alleviate stress and anxiety + so much more!

  • Free Journal: A course curated journal with plenty of space for free writing and a guided morning ritual.

  • ​(1 Month) Free Personal Blend of Flower Essence: This will be invaluable in creating sustainable emotional habits around whatever is personally blocking you so you can achieve your goals and inner peace you desire. 

The Journey Back to 

Wild & Rooted



  • You've tried Googling and trying every stress relieving gimmick out there like just take a bubble bath with candles "#selfcare" or drinking 10 gallons of water a day.

  • You have read The Secret or other law of attraction books and feel the pressure to think positive all the time so that you don’t attract more negativity and stress into your life.

  • ​You have tried using distractions like drinking wine to unwind every night or binging Netflix to zone out.

  • ​You've tried to begin meditation on your own but it becomes confusing and can feel uncomfortable so it can be easy to just give up before you even start.

  • ​You have gone to therapist after therapist talking about your past trauma but feel like you are ready to go deeper without bringing up all the emotionally charged stories!!


When I turned 30, I was nine months pregnant; feeling the stress to do everything perfectly, be a great mom while worrying what others would think of me not being in a relationship with my daughter's dad.

 I was so influenced by the expectations of society, media and with the advice of family and friends that it became overwhelming

It was easy to fall into comparison and self-doubt and not quite know what to do and ultimately feel bad about myself

After years of personal development, I have curated a different way!

It is my calling to help women approaching their 30's to know it's okay to be true to your nature and embrace all parts of yourself! To listen to your emotions, drop the overplayed stories, and let the stress and anxiety go...

Now it's time for me to teach YOU how to do the same thing because I truly believe you have the potential.

You've Got What It Takes, You Just Need the Road Map + Support to Make It Happen.


A 3 Month Group Coaching Program for women approaching thirty or just turned thirty who suffer from stress and anxiety but long to live authentically confident.

What You Will Learn

Phase One

  • Learn what the heck a Saturn Return is and how it is affecting you as you move through the ages 27-32. 

  • How to connect back to your authenticity and move through life in a way that lights you up and is full of self-confidence.

  • How to create a sacred space to come to each day for renewal.

  • ​​Learn exactly what your personal custom Flower Essence Blend is and how to use it. Taken daily to assist with your unwanted emotional blocks.

Phase Two

  • Learn how the brain works and how your subconscious brain is running your life since the age of seven.

  • ​Learn the art of surrender and use the energy behind it to build a life less anxious and overwhelming.

  • ​​Use tools backed by Psychology to process your emotions and learn the way to ride the wave through them back to authenticity.

  • Connect back to your ancestry and roots to become more in connection with nature and the earth around you.

Phase Three

  • Successfully build your daily ritual that includes the practices that are genuine to your enjoyment.

  • ​Learn all about breathwork and attend weekly Somatic Activated Healing classes to release stored emotions in the body!

  • Learn about building a meditation price that is best for you and experience the bio-feedback flower meditations designed to work through different emotional blocks and stressors. 

  • ​How to build a daily gratitude practice and the best way to use it to bring more of what you want into your life. 


  • 10% of Course Revenue Gives back: We give back to the Florida Wildflower Foundation.

  • They protect native wildlife habitats through education, conservation, planting and research. 

  • Helping The Pollinators: With every course purchased we are supporting the bees and butterflies by creating natural wildflower habitats along highways to feed them and ultimately feed us.  

Opened up to love

“I was struggling with stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression. I was not very open to making new strong connections and was feeling isolated. I was having trouble sitting with those emotions. I knew that I was choosing to keep myself busy and distracted instead and hoping that eventually things would get better if I just ignored it. I was resorting to taking anti-anxiety medication on really bad days, and I knew I needed to spend some time finding the root of what was causing my anxious feelings and face it head on.

After the course I feel lighter and more aware of my emotions, and I feel like I have the tools to help myself get out of anxious mindsets when I feel them coming on. This course gave me the space to open up to a new relationship with an emotionally available man! If you are on the fence, I would highly recommend this course!”

So easy to follow

I just finished The Journey Back to Wild and Rooted with Brittany. I found it to be so easy to follow and it was such a great way to start everyday with positive intention! I never felt overwhelmed to complete a second of this course because it kept me always wanting to learn more and see what was next! Brittany was very caring and dedicated to making sure I felt supported over the last 3 months. Now that I’ve completed my course, I've learned so many strategies to feel more confident to navigate the ups and downs of life and work through my emotions!- Jamie

How It Works 

  • As soon as you enroll, you can jump right in and get started on the modules. All content is waiting for you inside. 

  • You'll have daily access to the Facebook Community for peer and expert support. You can reach out in the group for feedback, ask questions + be supported as you release your stress and anxiety. 

  • ​You'll jump on the weekly zoom group coaching calls 

    and I will personally be there to support you every step of the way.

  • You'll jump on the weekly Zoom Somatic Activated Healing Classes to release stuck emotions and integrate past pain.

Let's Talk Money, Honey!

Because this is the first time, I am launching this advanced version of the Wild & Rooted course it will be available at a special price for a limited time, so don't miss out as it will never be this price again! 



Limited Time Only!

Snag offer while it lasts!

I am a firm believer... 

  • You can have the clarity you need to move through life authentically.

  • You can have the mental energy to do all the things YOU love.

  • You can feel like you ARE good enough and ignite the self-confidence you deserve.

  • You can release the worry you are on the wrong path and that you need to do more to receive love.