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The Journey Back to 

Wild and Rooted 

Healing unwanted stress and anxiety so you can get back to being the most authentic you!
What you’re going to get:
  • Understanding ALL of your emotions

    Use this information so you can instantly start improving your mental stress and build more emotional intelligence and ultimately your happiness.

  • A Free Personal Blend of Flower Essence

    This will be invaluable in creating sustainable emotional habits around whatever is personally blocking you so you can achieve your goals and inner peace you desire.

  • Weekly Calls with Me as Your Personal Coach

    Never feel like you’re going through this journey alone when you join us on group calls, and with the support of the community Facebook group so you can be held accountable and receive ongoing feedback and support. 

  • Weekly Zoom Somatic Activated Healing Classes

    to release stuck emotions and integrate past pain.

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